February 2024 Chair's Report

February started and ended with well-attended house parties for the re-election of Heidi Hall to Nevada County Supervisorial District#1. Our DEM Congressional Candidate Jessica Morse also made several visits “up the hill” to join Heidi in campaigning.

The increased activity in the remaining days just before an a election is for a reason. Volunteer door knocking and phone calls are in full swing to get out the vote. Other activities are pointless in the few remaining days until election day, March 5th.

In this last phase success depends entirely on how many volunteers show to help get out the vote when defending "Democracy, our Freedoms, and the Planet."

Lastly, don't forget to join us at our traditional election night watch party March 5th starting at 6:00 PM in the Nevada County Media Center. We socialize and watch results start to come in about 8:00 PM. See you there and on the street visiting voters and making sure they do vote.


Pluralism, Fascism and Religious Nationalism


January 2024 Chair's Report